Senior Blues

This morning I woke up and went to school. For the most part I do this everyday, Monday through Friday. Today, however, was the beginning of the fourth and final term of my high school career. I feel like it was only yesterday I was walking into the same old building saying I can't believe I'm finally a seniorand now it's almost over. I'm looking forward to graduating, but I must admit I'm getting a little nervous. I plan on going to college next fall quite a ways from home. Although a few of the guys in my class are planning on going to the same school, I'll be nearly four hours away from my two best friends who are sticking close to home. I'm sure making new friends won't be a problem for me, but I'm nervous to lose contact with the kids I've spent the past 5 1/2 years of my life with. I've realized most of these people I'd be fine not seeing for the rest of my life, but there is a handful that I will certainly miss. Looking back on it, this year has gone by so incredibly fast and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. The next two months of school will be jam packed with events. At the time, I prayed for graduation to come sooner but now I wish I could go back and relive a few of my senior year moments again; the first and last football games, the first dance performance of the year, all of my dance competitions especially regionals and state, my last dance performance, and even days in some of my least favorite classes. It's hard to believe it's all coming to a close in less than 60 days. Eight weeks from today will be my very last day of high school. I'm anxious, excited, nervous, overwhelmed, and jumping for joy all at the same time. As Ferris Bueller once said, "life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it." Don't let life pass you by especially when you're young. These days don't happen twice so live each day to its fullest potential.

Seniors '09 <3
March 25th, 2009 at 07:44am