
Yeah I should probably at least write something in here.

Well i'll fill you in on what's been up lately.

Okay well my Great Uncle died on Sunday I think and I am going to his funeral on Friday.
The saddest thing is, is that I didn't even cry.
At least not on the outside.
I'm a pretty heartless person obviously.

Last Wednesday night, well yesterday, I had to go to this thing called the Rotary Speech Contest. Me and four friends went. It was related to school.
And we had a week to write and practice a four minute speech about.....
Being Optimistic About The Future. [It's not long when you think about it but really, when your up there in front of 32 people [I counted] it's bloody hard!!]
And let me tell you, When I got there I was not a bit optimistic, I just wanted to go home and sleep.
Well I won. It sucks because now I have to write a seven minute speech.
And if I win that I got to Nationals. [Yay....NOT]
I suck in front of people who I don't know and when I have a set topic.

Ummm and the thing I need help with is.....
Boys!!! [OMG Shockhorror!!!]
Yeah I thought it was strange too.
I always give my friend advice about love and junk but now the role has been reversed.

Well my problem is, is that I like this guy and I thought he liked me too but now i'm not too sure. He lives about twenty minutes away from me but I haven't met him.
We talked through texting and bebo.
But I know who he is and some of my mates are mates with him.
But the thing is, is that his best friend is a girl and I think they're together but I really like him and I thought he likes me too. Gosh! you should have seen our texts lol.
He said on his bebo that she's the only thing that can distract him from anything and that she's amazing. And she's leaving him comments saying "I love you" and stuff.

I just don't know what to do, I feel like a jealous cow.
And we haven't texted for a few days.


Well I should stop so hopefully you guys comment and say something...

Thanks guys!
Love you's

March 26th, 2009 at 05:18am