Can someone help me? this has to do with civil rights in the 1960's for Alabama. Writing this makes me question what I think I'm going to get from this site--But I have hope! So...were they upheld? How were the Negroes treated up until the 1970's? I mean I'm not an idiot I know how they were treated...I just don't know how to word this with detail. kay? Any other info would be great!


-Maddi apparently entries need to be 100 words so...
Blala afasfhlkasfh bklasflkfklasf nkfasfhoasf fhkakf akflkhfklasfh hakfkalsfklas hasdfakljf afhahsifa iafhioafh aikfhioafio

I hope that works :)
March 27th, 2009 at 04:00pm