Beatle Attack!


So while in maths the other day I was listening to the Beatles and thinking about how crazy their old concerts used to be. Then I wondered about if anyone ever tried to rush the stage and get to them. Then a little light bulb went up in my head and *poof* I had a new story Idea.

In a nut shell, three friends go to a JB concert. There is a black out and everone gets scared out of their wits. Then when the lights finally come back on we see a Jonas Brother with a FanGirl behind him and he is looking very scared. The people wonder why the guards arn't doing anything to break this up when the leading lady spies a glimmer of metal in her hand.

The Jonas Brother is being held at knife point!
So this leading lady rushes up onto the stage and confronts the attacking fan girl, pulls some wicked moves and knocks her out. But not before she is sticked in the side with the knife and passes out after she has made sure the JoBro is a'ok.

So then she wakes up in a hospital, and the Jobro is forever in debted to her. *cue romance* Then throw in some agnst when she is sued by the attacking fan girl.
Will that certain Jobro stick by her, or is the press this will entail be too much for the shaken up boy to handle.

Its going to be a lot more than that, but that is the basic jist i thought of yesterday =]
So, who wants in?
and which JB will it be?
March 28th, 2009 at 01:03am