First Kiss!

No, it wasn't MY first kiss, lol (been there, done that!), but my friend just got HER first kiss tonight! She really liked this guy, and I knew he was TOTALLY in to her, but they just weren't getting there! lol. So, after we all went on a walk, I left her alone and texted her to GO FOR IT! And you wouldn't believe it, but she got the nerve and WENT FOR IT! Aww, my little birdy's growing up! lol. She's all jittery now! I remember my first kiss like it was yesterday... Not like you guys care to know, lol, but I was spending the night at his house (before you ask, my boyfriend is my best friend's older brother- don't criticize- I never USED anyone... things just fell into place that way) and I was hangin out in his room. He got all nervous, and I flat-out told him that I knew he liked me. We got all shy and, before I left his room to go to bed, he just pulled me in and laid one on! I swear, I couldn't breathe for like, ever! So, you guys are prolly all wondering what the point of this journal is, besides telling the "news", I was wondering if maybe you all could share some tips on what my friend should do now, she's all confused, lol. Aww, it's puppy love! And feel free to share your own stories, lol! And for those who don't quite have stories yet, but have that special someone, remember, Just GO FOR IT!

If you didn't catch on, my friend and this dude aren't "officially" anything yet, that's why my buddy's all confused on what to do next.... lol
March 29th, 2009 at 05:13am