[57] Betrayed.

I need to talk to you. You're making me feel like you don't like me, like you can't trust me.

You tell random strangers more about your life than you tell me. I'm supposed to be your "best friend", but you can't discuss things with me?

The only reason I'm alive right now is because of you, but you can't even tell me about your life? I feel so, so betrayed.

I broke down yesterday. I wanted to hurt myself, but I didn't, because of you. Today, I find out that you'd rather talk to your internet pals about your life than to tell me about it.

It hurts.

I'm pretty sure you know who you are. And I hope you don't think I'm nosy, and that I want to know everything about your life, but if you can tell them, why can't you tell me?

It's times like these that I feel like you hate me, like I'm a pity friend, and it hurts more than any self-harm I could ever inflict.

Can you not trust me? Or do you just not want to talk to me?

I need to know... Please.

March 29th, 2009 at 07:41pm