Well it was a good day for the most part...

So I met the guy from my french class at Which Wich like we'd planned. We hung out for a while, and wandered around the mall. We sat down in the grassy park in the middle of the outdoor mall and talked for a while. He kissed me (finally a guy with some testicles!) and it was going well. We decided to head over to Marble Slab (a few streets away from the mall) and take his car. We got in the car, but before he could put it in gear, I had pretty much stolen his attention. He puts the radio on and leaves the car on for the A/C.

Things are getting nice and hot in the backseat and I smelled something strange... I looked up and smoke is pouring out from under the hood of his car. We quickly evacuated and watched as fluid poured from a leak under the car and smoke flooded from under the hood. It slowly stopped, and I caught a glimpse of my neck in the car next to us' mirror. The side of my neck is completely one giant hickey. Fantastic.

So my parents show up (I went and bought a scarf to cover) and didn't notice anything. He stayed waiting for his parents to help him with the car. All was well until about 5 minutes ago. I had taken off the scarf for my shower and I came out and my mother was standing there with a pile of clothes for me. Unfortunately, I hadn't covered up my neck.


Anyone know a good way to get rid of hickeys?

March 30th, 2009 at 05:40am