*** Them and Their Cliques

I'm so tired of being excluded from things. People who think they're so much better than me just because they're into the things that are considered "cool".

I know that cliques will never end because there are people you hang out with and people you just don't. It's like an unwritten rule. But when it gets to the point where people are being excluded and abused just because they like different things, it's just gone too far.

I, personally, hate labels. I think the fact that we need labels to put people into groups, just shows what this society has become. 'Emo', 'jock', 'prep'.. for fucks sake people, we are all human.

I mean, sure we don't like the exact same things, that can't be expected of us, but we don't have to be stereotyped into things and chucked into a group with people that supposedly are exactly like us.

Ooh, you paint your nails black, she does too, you guys are 'emo'. You guys can go sit in a corner, slit your wrists together and talk about all your depressing emo music. What a load of bullshit. Yes, I paint my nails black, but so what? That just instantly means I like to cut myself and listen to 'depressing' music?

I don't know why people can't just get along. Wait, actually, no, they don't even have to get along, they just have to exist in the same world without jumping at each other's throats.

I'm not saying that I'm a perfect little girl. I'm not saying that I don't ever want to exclude someone, that I haven't ever called anyone by a stereotypical name, or stereotyped someone before. Of course I have. That's just the way life is. You slip up sometimes. Your anger gets the better of you and you just let go.

People these days are treating it like it's nothing though. Like it's completely normal to just discriminate someone because they dress differently, or like music that you don't like. Actually.. the more that I think about it, it IS normal... but we can change that.

We will change that.
I want to make sure that my kids don't have to grow up in the environment that I am currently living in.
I want to make sure that my kids don't have to put up with the shit I've gone through.
I want to make sure that my kids are living their lives to the fullest.
March 31st, 2009 at 02:33pm