My mind is a mess, and it's been more than 12 hours, i've seen the news, seen the tears and the hurt.

A boy in my Media Arts class died this morning in a car accident. Everything was a mess today. i didn't find out until i got to school and all day the grade 12s didn't know what to do with themselves. they walked around, lost, hurt, as you can imagine.

Tom sat in front of me and my friend. we talked, we joked, we weren't friends and i didn't like him very much but i was civil. he wasn't perfect, but no one is but his death hit every grade 12.

My best friend and I went to the park, we need to get some air, she took it really hard. like i said we talked and saw him everyday.

we held a mass in our school theater and thats when i started crying. they played a song called No Time and we sing it i choir and it sadly fit so well.

i don't think I'm even making sense anymore and i', sorry i've put this here but i need to say something.

This event has effected so many people.

Tom will be missed God bless you Tom and your family.
April 1st, 2009 at 04:53am