My April 1 rant =)

Shittiest birthday ever. Yes. It's my fucking birthday. I'm an "April Fools Baby" jeesh.
Anyways, my mother decided to ruin my birthday for me. We had a wicked party going on saturday, at the skatepark, and somehow my mother(who i dont even live with anymore) found out about it, so she gave the cops an annonymous tip that there would be drugs there, so everyone scattered. The best part about it though, was that my boyfriend bought me an ipod(something I've never even dreamed about having, I don't have that kind of $$). So we all left, and about... ten people all slept at Tylers place(on his bed). On Sunday, I went to the Junos and left my boyfriend at home with one of his friends(my boyfriend and I live together)... well anyways, when I get back, his friend is gone and a few things are missing... including my brand new ipod. So I'm choked. Not only that, but I go to pick up clothes from my mums' house that night, and it turns into this huge fight that ends up with me on the ground balling my eyes out, tearing a chunk of my hair out and telling her to do drug tests on me, that I've never tried anything harder than pot(unless salvia counts?).
So anyways, today is my birthday, I have no money, no ipod, no pot, no ciggarettes, and well... no life. Plus it's snowing. It's Vancouver. Canada. It doesn't snow here. Like ever. It sure rains alot, but it sure as fuck does not snow on fucking April 1!

PS. fuck, it's been a long time since I've used Mibba... wow.

xx Cassie Catastrophe
April 1st, 2009 at 06:21pm