1 in 3 hippos is retarded

hello mibbilians...

that doesn't work as well as quizillians but whatev...
I will be posting and hopefully keeping up with 3 new stories!!!
they are:

Are you there Fate? It's me, Anne...:

kinda like "Are you there Vodka? It's me, Chelsea..." or "Are you there God? It's me Margaret..."
Except for it's neither of those...
The story is set in the 1520's in Tudor England and should be thoroughly depressing.

Abducted by Desire:

just your average, cliche "Kidnapped by a Vampire" story but with a twist! and a turn! and some more depression!

.:Stop this Song:.[A DM Love Story]:

A revised and partially rewritten version of a previous attempt at writing.
ive already decided that if i write a sequel i shall call it 'Lovesick Melody'!
...but no threequels...
i have not yet decided if this one will be depressing {to an extreme} or not...

So now you know of my evil scheme to write mediocre fiction and spread depression on mibba like jelly on an egg...
...that's not right...
April 2nd, 2009 at 05:17am