Avenged Sevenfold - 3.31.09. Best concert of the year so far!

Chris, Michelle, Brian, Laken and I went to the Avenged Sevenfold concert. It was ballin’.

We got to Minglewood Hall around 4:30 and met up with Sarah (gag). We then headed inside where we had a two-hour wait. It got interesting. We listened to David Bowie, Britney Spears, Blink and a number of other artists/bands and made some new friends. There were a few smoke breaks in there.

The doors opened a little after 6:30. We rushed in and headed for the merch table. We all got shirts except for Brian, who bought Michelle one (he can be so nice). We all walked towards the stage. I think we were on the left side. Sarah kept complaining and pissing me off. And she wouldn’t stop leaning against me. I thought I was going to end up in jail for doing something to her. We found out that if enough people tickle Brian at one time he’ll mosh a little.

The first band up was Joan Red. There were okay. Not amazing, but not crap either. Their songs weren’t that great, but the band did have an amazing energy. Did I mention that they are recently signed and a local band? I think I’m going to have to give them another chance. Oh and I caught one of their picks!

After their set, Laken, Chris, and I made our way to the middle. We wanted to be closer to the pits. While we were waiting for the next band Laken decided she needed to hurt someone. I was the lucky winner. It’s sort of sad because she’s my daughter. She was hitting and twisting stuff. The guys behind us were cheering her on.

Rev Theory was next. They’re good, but I don’t really like them live. The only song I know that they played is “Hell Yeah”. The name of the song speaks for itself. I got into like one pit during their set. I was attempting to save my energy Avenged Sevenfold.

Between Rev Theory and A7X Laken went to go get water and I lost Chris. I stood there awkwardly.

Laken was back in time for A7X and we found Christopher behind us.

When Avenged took the stage everyone went fucking nuts. I seriously thought I had a heart attack when I saw M. Shadows. They played Critical Acclaim, Dear God, Bat Country, Beast and the Harlot, Afterlife, Scream, Chapter Four, Almost Easy, Unholy Confessions, and Gunslinger. They closed with A Little Piece of Heaven. At one point some girl threw down in a pit and M. Shadows invited her up on stage. He told the audience that she had just kicked a bunch of guys’ asses. Before she got up there, I totally thought it was Laken. The girl wanted them to sing Scream again. I think she should have requested Walk. I didn’t get into any pits during Avenged. I had the perfect view of M. Shadows and I did not want to lose that. Plus, I was close to Chris, which was definitely a good thing at that point. I got a great video of one of Syn’s guitar solos. It was………just WOW! There was a hell of a lot of shoving, pushing, kicking, and scratching. This one girl fucking clawed my boobs. WTF?! I also blacked out like 5 times. I caught one of Zacky’s picks. That made my night. Chris caught one too.

On the way out of there I had to hold on to Chris. I saw Taylor there. That sort of ruined my night a little.

Walked back to Chris’s car was interesting. There were two cop cars. One was behind a red car. I heard the phrase “red car, turn your headlights on” a hundred times. The other cop car was in the middle of the road facing a white Yukon. “What are you doing in the middle of an intersection? Drive!”.

In the car, my voice went out and I called Synyster cinnamon because I was really tired.

It was the best concert I’ve been to in a while.
April 2nd, 2009 at 11:10pm