April3, 2009

well i haven't wrote on here for a lonnnnnnnnng time!

let me catch ya'll up on my life story.

well at the beginning of last month i found out i was pregnant.
my boyfriend disappeared for all of March.
i finally got in touch with him last month. where he denied my baby,.
yesterday i spoke with him again. he broke up with me and said we just need a break. so he can deal with shit. well hello! you should kinda wanna deal with yoru kid but whatever.
about a week ago i also foudn out i may have cancer when i found a lump on my breast. i finally found out that it was true that my boyfriend was sleeping with my bestfriend throughout the six months we were dating.
apperently they only slept with eachother 6 times though so it could be worse.

i hung out with my bestie Savannah last night :)
it was awesome.
i miss her so much. although we live about a 5minute walk away from eachother we never see eachother. i will be hanging out with her this weekend too while her boyfriend is away should be fun.

but anyways.
although i had a rough night last night

this mornign i feel great. i feel strong. and i believe i can get through all of this.
i have many friends that are there for me and are supposrting me.
so i think it'll be all good. :)

wow. that felt good to write down lol.


April 3rd, 2009 at 07:15pm