Yummm paedophiles...

Okai. I'm pretty sure i dont dress like a slut.
Polo shirt, cardigan, shorts with black tights and a pair of Vans.
I dont think so...

So dont shout at me if im complaining about the amount of old men that stare at me when i walk down the street.
i'm not even joking it is disgusting
okay fair play it might be the size of my boobs...
D cup...
But im sorry i cant help that...

Anyway Today i had a load of old men staring and i was wearing what i said a minute ago!
I'm starting to get really creeped out by all of this...

Even my friend George has noticed.
I think i just live in a town full of paedos tbh

Once i walked past a bunch of old men and one guy actually came up to me and stared right at my boobs.
Not exaggerating here.
He was about 50
The guy i was seeing at the time was like

What on earth is wrong with these men?!
I dont mind people my age or like maybe still under 20 staring at me...
Hell it makes me feel kinda good about myself
but really OLD MEN?!

April 3rd, 2009 at 09:55pm