Life In Slow-Mo

To start out, guilt is one strong thing. The simplisest of things can be made horrible becasue of this cynical disease. It can hold you back from being who you truly are. It can make you feel so bad, you literally would rather have not done it just to save the person. But, you have to look past the guilt and see that USUALLY what you did, was for the better. Well, at least in my case it was, maybe not in all.
Second, my last entry about my best friends Melanie, yeah were cool now. I guess we all have to realize that all people make mistakes, and thats what she did. She was trying t get advice and stuff slipped out. Point is, i still love her. :]
On Wednesday, my grade went on a retreat with a high school. The retreat taught me so much stuff. But the biggest thing it did for me was bring me closer to God. And I never really had a thikng with that guy but now I feel I do.
So, it is getting harder and harder to write everyday, and I find when I do, it's all very crappy. Maybe it's just writters block, but whatever it is I have got to get out of it. It's practiclly killing me. I'm finding I don't have any inspiration anymore. None. if you have any suggestions please let me know.
Kelsey Leigh :]
April 4th, 2009 at 03:22am