I REALLY didn't think I would!!!

I made it!!
A year ago today I made a journal post here about how I'd made it to sixteen even though I didn't think I would.
This year was rough, too... at some points I didn't think I'd be around to celebrate this birthday.
Emery and I ushered in my new and coming year with Blink 182 - "Seventeen without a purpose or direction, we don't owe anyone a fucking explanation!" and at this moment I'm just so fucking proud of myself for getting through all the shit even when I had to do it on my own, and too grateful for words for the people who helped me.
All you fuckers who tried to get me down, I have news for you - I've come this far and I'm gonna be here to post another one of these 365 days from now when I'm partying it up in Nashville for my 18'th birthday!! Fuck you losers who tried to hold me back. Thank you guys who helped me make it through - you mean the world to me.

Emery - You are my hero, my bestest friend and my Wonderwall. Thank you for the nights on the roof, the hysterical laughter and stories at 3 Am, the tears and advice, the numberless EPIC moments, all the memories, and for being there for me every second, even when you were hundreds of miles away. I owe you my life and cant tell you how much I love you.
("It's okay, we can do it in the car!" - how will we ever remember all the crazy shit??)

Fuck it, I need birthday cake.
Peace out
April 4th, 2009 at 06:23am