young adult novels

this topic on my journal is all the young adult or teen novels that are there. i want you to know that how common the themes are in the stories. i do say that i love teen novels i do and i will confess that i have not read the twilight series but i have read some that are really popular. i was at barnes and noble today and looking at the teen section and noticed something i hadn't thought about. almost all the books deal with high school drama, vampires, sex, or failed relationships and sometimes a bit of all of those. i don't read to many books that are different. there are a few out there that are totally different or really catch me as out of the ordinary, such as "give a boy a gun" which by the way is a great book. i kind of laugh at the fact when i walk through the halls at my school and i see ten people with the same book or a book from the same series. i don't know i guess it just seems that it is very hard to be a non-conformist completly, because there are so many aspects to life and so many things that you kind of have to go along with. i don't mean that people have to where the same shirts from the same places of coarse not. i just think that sometimes when we all try to do these orginal things is that doing the same thing in a way. in the movie ps i love you, kathy bates says a line, "if everyone is alone, we are all together in that." i think that is my point about the orginality. i may be the only one in my school that bought the john frusciante cd but i am not the only in the country. so i really don't even know what i am talking about any more. so hopefully someone likes this journal, it didn't do anything for me but pass time.
April 4th, 2009 at 06:57am