Switching to Mibba

Blah! I was on Quizilla, but there weren't that many good writers there. Most people really sucked. I say most because there were a few who were awesome. But I was reading this one story, and se made the comment that she was no longer going to post on Quizilla, she was coming here, so I followed her. For a long time I didn't really know how to work Mibba, but I got really bored and figured it out last night. Now I can do it, but I wonder if I'm up to the calliber of everyone on there, because I am finding a billion awesome writers here. I hope I can keep up!

[p.s.- the author I followed is 'wench' on here. Love her stuff->VFC! baby!]
April 4th, 2009 at 06:18pm