Hi I am reviewing the movies I have recently seen...

Prom Night- (PG-13) This movie is not gory but is very suspenseful. Just think your parents were murdered in front of you well just you mom but you see your brother dead. Your teacher is a stalker and your friends and boyfriend are murder on hmmm your PROM NIGHT..

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist- (PG-13) Great movie Kat Dennings and Michael Cera have great chemistry on screen. There is great music. One part made me gag when her friend pukes in a dirty train station bathroom and you see but then her phone rings...and guess what happens (like in every movie) she takes her phone out and it falls in the toilet.. and she answers it eww.

Remember the Daze-(R) The cast is full of familiar faces like Leighton Meester (Gossip Girl), Amber Heard ( Never Back Down, Pineapple Express), Alexa Vega (Spy Kids), Michael Welch ( Twilight) and Brie Larson (Hoot). The story follows a bunch of high schoolers during the last school day of the Millennium (1999) They deal with drugs, alcohol, partying, and other stuff that high schools deal with. *Not recommender to watch around parents* ha ha

Juno- (PG-13) Ellen Page is Juno, a sarcastic teenager, who gets pregnant by her BFF Bleeker played by Michael Cera *Not recommender to be watched around parents*

Accepted- (PG-13) Any movie with Jonah Hill is funny. This is about Bartleby (Justin Long)who is not accepted to any colleges him and his friends hatch a plan to make a fake college but one mistake makes many people apply and make it a real "college".

Thank you if you like the review please comment so and I will make more!!!
April 5th, 2009 at 01:25am