Random things about myself.

-I'm double jointed in my arms, they both hyper-extend
-I cuss excessively
-I have four dogs and four cats
-I hate it when people leave the fucking time on the microwave, Jesus Christ, just press the CLEAR button!
-I have an elder brother who is handicapped
-I look like my mom and act like my dad
-I have an evil twin, but we aren't blood related at all
-I am pale as shit, and me and the sun don't mix, not that I hate it, it's just a little annoying to be a lobster.
-I love comedy, and horror, but I find things funny that I probably shouldn't
-Pizza is the best food ever, I could eat it every fucking day of my life
-I had braces for about 3 years, that's why my teeth are so good, and I'm almost legally blind, but wear contacts
-I'm a horrible speller
-I read a ton, it's about 85% of my time
-I love to paint and draw, but if I draw it has to be comics, because I'm horrid at drawing realistic things and it's funner.
-I make shit up all the fucking times, I mean is funner actually a word?!
-Anger issues, depending on the conversation, I am a little touchy sometimes
-I do not eat meat
-I can be very bitchy and hard to co-exist with
-I have some sleeping/anxiety problems
-I suck ass at math
-Sponge bob, Scooby Doo, Chowder, Batman and X-Men are some of my favorite cartoons/comics
-I really love music and art
-I have no clue what I want to be as an adult, I just don't want to be in any fucking office
-I love the shows How I Met Your Mother, Friends, According To Jim, Ace Of Cakes, What Not To Wear, Say Yes To The Dress, any WW 2 things, Egypt history, and Jackass/Viva La Bam.
-I'm half Scottish
-I love to go shoe shopping, and clothes shopping depending on what I'm shopping for
-I like purple and red
-I just bought the Haarp Muse live CD/DVD, it's awesome
-If I like a guy it's normally one that not other people like or find attractive
-I still have my first pair of Converse and the sides are ripping out
-I'm pretty shy, unless I'm around friends or hyper
-I love the rain
-I hate I-Pods
-My second toe is longer than my first
-I giggle, unless I'm laughing really hard, then that shit gets weird
-I hate Coldplay/Jonas Brothers/Miley Cyrus/High School Musical/and most rap music
-I try to be nice, but when I'm stressed, upset, or pissed I'm a complete bitch
-I hate the word Faggot, and homophobic people, please DO NOT use/insult that around me, it upsets me
-When I do get stressed out I do get little depression spurts
-I hate cherries
-I have random thoughts ideas all the time
-Inspiration hits me in the weirdest places or times
I thought you guys would want to know more about me, and here it is, I'm not just a little hermit, most of the time anyway, and I'd love to get to know people, so If you wanna talk to me, then feel free.
April 5th, 2009 at 03:12am