Shall I Introduce Myself

Hello, my name is Kristen Marie ___. My last name shall remain nameless because there are just some people out there who are innapropriate beings. I'm a person who chooses their words as carefully as their actions. I have blue eyes and brown hair. My boyfriend (Brandon), who I have known for a total of four months, and I have been going out with eachother for one month as of tomorrow. He is a sweet, kind character with his undoubtedly dumb moments. My mother and father are still together. My grandmother's are still alive, where as my grandfathers are sadly deceased. I am at crossroads with my future. I don't know if I should continue to persue my career as a chef, or continue my love of writing. Both I so dearly enjoy, but I would dislike to do them persistantly.
And for future references, I have an extremely colorful vocabulary when I overly excited, happy, or angry.
My heritages include French, German, Lithuanian, Russian, Romanian, and Irish.

In other words, tonight me and my fellow male friends hung around Neshaminy Mall. We ended up looking for a hat for Woody and one for me since I lost my Fedora. Then, I saw a poster for Flight Of The Concords and just had to buy it for Brandon. We mooched off of Woody's dinner, went to a steep hill to roll down, then went to the Billards and hung out there for a while.
Then, we went to Joe's house where we ended up going in to the woods nearby to start a fire. (Bad idea, I know. It was Woody, Joe, and Nigel's idea.) When that failed because the wood was too wet, we went to the garage and found a wheel chair. We rode around in it, then duct taped Woody to it and left him infront of Joe's house after knocking on the door and running away.
Fun times.
April 5th, 2009 at 05:32am