Love 'til it hurts

Love can make the worst day ever, the best day ever. Unfortunatly it can also make an otherwise perfectly alright day into a dismal and depressing dead end. I guess that's a risk we all have to take. To get the deepest, purest, most meaningful emotion out of love, you must love with all your mind, body and soul. Just hope that they dont all get torn to pieces. So a choice we all have to make is, is it worth it? is it worth loving someone so much you cant stand to be away from them? is it worth the feeling that well all long for, the feeling of being wanted and needed? Is it worth knowing that this other person takes you for who you for who you are, good parts and bad.Is it worth taking a chance of having it all blow up in it your face when its over and you're back to being alone. We all know love cant last forever, well the kind of love that is based on lust and nothing else. I would like to think that certain other kinds of love, not nescesarily true love, will last forever. But maybe i'm just living in a bubble. Maybe there is no kind of lov that lasts forever. Maybe it starts to die down over time and we do all we can to save it, but then realize its not worth it, after all it may just be lust. How do we know for sure if something is lust or love? And how does anyone know that lust wont turn into love? Or will it just stay a feeling of lust and desire forever and while youre waiting for something more the chance of love passes you by. I suppose if you never let anyone into your life, whether it be love or lust, you may have to live with the fear that you dont have the ability to love. Maybe thats just me. So i guess what this whole love mess comes down to is if it feels to you that this is the right person then all this heartahce will be worth it. If you feel a moment of bliss with this person will be worth the lifetime of heartache, that will certainly come after it once it is over, then i say yes its worth the risk. Its worth taking a chance, its worth diving in all letting the other person see everyone part of you. Its worth the feeling of closeness and bonding that not physical act could ever compare to. Depending on the person i would be willing to take this risk. I would be willing to put myself out there and have my heart broken over and over again. Because in the end there is no one that i would rather have break my heart.

sidenote: sorry for the spelling mistakes and other grammatical errors, its late and i'm tired but i felt the need to write this before i lost my train of thought
April 5th, 2009 at 06:47am