A Loop of Internet Idiocy: We Are All Stupid, and Always Will Be.

I'm not exactly sure what this is about. Perhaps it's because last night I watched a twelve-year-old with wet pink lips spit his anger out over how he hates people calling him a "homo". And as is custom of youtube, a tidal wave of comments came flooding in doing exactly that.

go kill your self homo.

Perhaps it's my natural maternal instincts, seeing as I am a woman, but it bothered me. It upset me that there's this naive little guy who makes a mistake, and suddenly he has all these people telling him these terrible things. At such a young age I'm not sure how he would be able to handle this.

It annoys me that people are able to say whatever they want on the internet. Frankly, these pervy old men who live in their mom's basements would be arrested the moment they called the kid a homo, but it's okay to do it online because nobody knows who you are.

You know what? Fuck this internet. Fuck it for being so addicting, and fuck it for taking over our lives. God only knows we'll be sitting on our asses all day, like in that Wall-E movie, if goddamn Apple and Microsoft keep pumping out their bullshit. Soon we'll be taking virtual walks in the park and have virtual avatars going to virtual places and virtual schools and creating virtual drama and their will be virtual actors in virtual movies and NOTHING WILL BE REAL ANYMORE. Which prompts the question: are we even real? Or are we just part of some big Sims game? (That was a rhetorical question, don't answer.)

I know that I wouldn't be saying these things without the internet. And neither would you.

For awhile I thought what people said online didn't matter. But what if this kid, this "Don't call me a homo" kid, does go and kill himself? People are beginning to take what these lifeless losers are saying seriously.

Man. I need to plant a garden.

Cheers from the Real World,
April 5th, 2009 at 07:02pm