
So I've recently realized how to work Twitter, I feel very proud of myself. It took a whole three days but I got there. Anyone out there whose on twitter? I don't have that many friends that use it, seeing as I only got on because a lot of my fav bands have it. how pathetic? lol. Anyways, it's not a very 'Irish' thing to have... if you talk to me I'll reply! promise!

okay bored now... talk to me?


ps. oh my fecking god, i hate that stupid journals have to have a stupid word length. grrr.... okay i need more words. lets see...

So far today I have discovered that the rain has oficially come back to Ireland. It left us for a while, it was actually quite sad. You don't realize how comforting the rain is until it leaves you for a couple of weeks. I was happy when I woke up in the middle of the night and it was raining. How weird am I? Okay, so you didn't really have to read this and it's probably just put you off adding me on Twitter but whatever, I needed more (computer language) 'characters' or in the human language, words. =]
April 6th, 2009 at 09:51pm