When Does a Crush turn into To much? Please Help me!

I have a friend that I like
we like eachother...well atleast I think we do
I don't know right now
because heres my problem...
He is madly inlove with his girlfriend of 4 months...then he met me and shit hit the fan
I really like him and it turns out we have alot in common, we both love hugh laurie and call hay stacks wheaties and marshmellows and we are both very very stubborn and fucked up.
Well we started hanging out A LOT...like everyday afterschool, and the weekends and everywhere inbetween, except for fridays at 7 because thats when he was with his GF.
Shes not allowed to date him, or see him, or call him, or spend any amount of time with him.
She is in 9th grade..he is a seinor
She doesnt like his friends
She doesnt care when hes sick
or when hes mad
or that he went to states in debate and almost won by one point
No she only sucks on his face every morning for 10 minutes before they see eachother again
But heres my problem...
Even after all this drama about the girlfriend, about him and me, and our stick perdicumant
I dont know what to do!..I mean we're so good of friends and he makes me happy
He goes out of his way to make me smile, he invites me over to bake with his mom because he knows I dont have a mom to back with. He plays me songs on the piano after 2 years of not playing because it brings a smile and light blush to my face.
We talk for hours about nothing, and argue for the sake of argueing
He told me he really likes me but he doesnt want to end his relationship with her because hes commited, and loyal and blah blah blah
we messed around countless of times!
He spends more time with me than her, He calls me instead of her, the first person he thinks of to hang with...ME!
So Idk what to do
Do I give up?
Do I let them alone and just forget everything?
Do I still fight..but silently
wait for them to break up
tell him how I feel
Please help me!
April 6th, 2009 at 10:00pm