Starts with an H...ends in an E!!!!

I’m severely bored. So I started to make a list about me…think is what I came up with:

1. I love horses (Duh…)
2. I think Chocolate is yummy
3. I have a black cat named Tiki
4. My dog is a wimp
5. Hiking is fun
6. I hate snow
7. I’d rather be really hot, than really cold
8. Rain is fun to listen to
9. I fall asleep faster if its storming outside (thunder, lightning)
10. If I’m sad/angry I put on my earphones and BLAST the MUSIC!
11. I’m lazy can be lazy at times
12. I get random outburst of total crazy HYPERNESS
13. The sky is pretty…
14. I like birds
15. The first time I fell off a horse I landed on my feat
16. I HATE regular wooden penciles
18. Scary movies make me smile
19. School sucks
20. I hate a lot of people in my class (they probably hate me too)
21. My favorite show is BLOOD+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22. Anime is awesome!
23. I draw anime
24. I love to sing in different languages, which is weird because I don’t know what I’m saying…
25. People tell me I have a nice voice but I don’t know…
26. I can do a handstand for like 5 seconds at best
27. Mud is fun to play in
28. Music rocks my soul
29. I play the flute
30. I play piano
31. I love to go camping with my mom
32. My mom is sometimes evil, sometimes a sweetheart
33. I’m very brave…I guess…people tell me that anyway
34. I have a wicked sense of curiosity
35. I am very blonde at times…
37. Grapes are good too
38. I hate apples
39. Full Metal Alchemist is my 2nd favorite show!!
40. I’m very untrusting…why I don’t know…but I don’t trust you…
41. I have a BOY cat named Chloe
42. Chloe is very very very very very very very very VERY stupid
43. I wish I was like…a ninja…yeah…a ninja
44. NO, I wish I was like demon or something kewl…
45. I have a dictionary of words I made up…ask me I’ll tell a few
46. Its VERY hard for me to hold a grudge
47. Um…I don’t like peanuts
48. Staplers are scary
49. Glue tastes bad
50. I love animals!
51. Blue is an amazingly awesome color
52. I get car sick very easily…
53. I love being outside
54. I hate walking around big cities
55. I get lost very easily
57. My name starts with an H
58. My name ends in a E
59. The middle is ATTI
60. Put it together and that’s: HATTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 7th, 2009 at 02:26am