Broken Ankle/Work Experience?/Quitting School/Dreams/Old Friends

Yes, I like to title my journals with what they're actually about. Instead of being all "ZOMG MY CAT DIED" and then talk about something completely off-topic.
/random rant.

First off, I did not break my ankle, but my Mother did. Friday night she went to a friends place, ended up coming home around 3am, hopping. Yes, hopping. She said she fell in a pothole because she had to walk through the front yard of her friends house, and her friend did not put the lights on. What a stupid friend. Anyhow long story short my Mum thought it was just sprained, left it for 5 days and finally decided to go to the hospital today. Well it's broken in two places, surprise surprise. She has to have a cast and all that jazz, but thank god she doesn't have to have surgery. That would of sucked. My Mum is a busy woman, and if anyone needs their feet, it's my Mum.

Next up.
My Mums friend came over today because she called Me earlier in the day to ask me to edit this photo for a client, she works at this place that pretty much just edits photos, makes collages and whatnot. Anyway, she gave me this picture on a USB, and blah blah, but then she offered me some work experience. The other girl that works at the place (Yes..there's only two) is leaving for two weeks so she said I could fill in. I may not get paid, but it's the experience that counts for my future resume. Plus I'd be doing something I love. Graphic Design. Plus I'm thinking about quitting school. I've been out of school since the middle of last year. I'm only 15, and was supposed to be doing home-schooling. But, and I know this may sound a little stupid and irrational, I had a dream that I finally decided to quit school and work for my families business. I woke up in the best mood, and I remember in the dream I was just relieved, happy and excited. So I thought it may be a sign. But I don't know.

I've been in touch with my ex-best friend. We didn't fight or anything, just drifted apart. We are 4 years apart, and we went in different directions. But we've been chatting lately via Myspace and I miss her alot. But due to my social anxiety and awkwardness I can't help but fear that it'd be awkward hanging out with her. Maybe I should just do it.

Ah, I can always rely on Mibba to vent/get things off my chest.
April 7th, 2009 at 02:33pm