a slightly long story as to why i feel happeh :) read if you feel you have to ;)

So it's the easter hols! ayayayayay!
but i thought i'd give you lovely mibbians an update with my life because a couple of things have happened

So the other week i met this guy, who's a friend of a friend.
And well i have met him before just not like properly ya know?
like we said hi and stuff, but yeah.

So this guy is called Jake (:
Yaaay. One bad thing about this is that i now know 4 jakes
and everyone gets confused when i talk about them all...

ANYWAY the first week we met we got really close, because we spent a lot of the time having a "bonding session"

so anyway the next week i saw him around town, but he just ignored me
i was like grrrrreat, because i kinda like him
could have been something to do with the fact that all my friends were making things embarrassing

but then later i was hanging around with a big bunch of friends
and he was there
and i didnt wanna go up to him first, specially after he had just ignored me
so i was jsut talking to others...
then he came up to me and we said hi
and we were talking for a bit
then his friend, annoyingly also called jake [lets call him bob, to make things easier], came and said he needed to talk to him for a minute.
So bob and jake went off to talk
then jake walked away and bob comes over to me
and he was like "do you like jake? cause he likes you"
i was like "mhmm"
so bob was all "SEE JAKE SHE LIKES YOU TOO"

But yeah then later we managed to get some time alone
and we went for a walk around town.
then he said something to me in like a jokinly mean way
and i was like "oh fine then" and let go of his hand and walked away
then i turned around and looked him.
and he just stared at me so i smiled a reaaaally cheesy smile.
and he started to come towards me
so i started taking steps backwards until i nearly tripped over the curb...
then he put his arms around me and we got off ><
and then we did several other times that day ^.^
it was very yay worthy

Howeverrrrrr, he told me he wasnt going to be in town on saturday cause he went to italy on sunday for a school trip and now he said he had to have his hair cut and pack and other stuff
so i was like merrh ):
and he said he would miss me loads and stuff

BUT THEN we bumped into each other in town and i was all like ehhh?
and then he explained it was just a last minute decision
but yeahh yet again we spent the day together
and because we were being slow...
mainly because he just kept stopping to kiss me
we lost everyone else
but yeah it was cool :)

so we're not going out...we're just seeing each other
i never get that..but its how things are going atm
everyone thinks that hes just waiting till he gets back from italy to ask me out...
who knows?

My friend stayed round my house that night though and being the foool she is, she decided to talk to him on msn
and slightly scare him i think
and he told her that he REALLY likes me but hes just got out of a difficult relationship and hes confused atm

which is like grrrreat
becuase this happens to me all the time
i'm always the bloody rebound girl.
April 7th, 2009 at 07:27pm