Nicotine obsessed condom

lovely quote there from Russell Howard.
This is the third time i have watched this episode of Mock The Week in less that 24 hours.
Dave has got to be the coolest Tv channel everrrrr ;)

But anyway.
I'm like dying atm.
well not really i just have this annoying cough that wont go away
and my throat is killing me
I think i got it off my friend.
Then i gave it to my other friend.
He told me to breathe in his mouth so he could be ill and miss school.
He forgot that we have two weeks off
Silly child
Then we gave it to this guy we know
cause he was going round coughing in peoples faces.
It is actually a pain in the ass
At first it was like a really horrible pain in the throat then everytime i sat up i would cough my lungs up and my chest was killing me
Now its just a general cough.
Joel refused to go down the shop and buy me some soothers, how ruuuude!

But anyway
i dont like italy atm
Its stolen half my friends
well i say half
I actually mean one of my best friends, the guy im kinda seeing atm and a couple of others.

Annnd both my brothers are away!
the house is so quiet it is reaaally weird
So tomorrow im going to stay at home and take advantage of the fact that they are both away and my parents are at work.
I'm either going to get some coursework done
start taking pictures of old shoes and clothes to sell on ebay to buy new clothes

I'm kinda going on a shopping spree atm getting a lot of new clothes and stuffs

Also kind of a random thing here but
I've realised i don't like girls.
Like i go to an all girls school.
and i love all my friends there
but any girls that i know outside of school i cant get along with at all
and idk why
i think its either the fact that one of us has done something that means we dont get along orrrr
the fact that i find it so much easier to talk to guys
so i talk to all the guys more than i talk to the few girls that are there
and then all the girls are like "slag"
but im not, i just find girls overly bitchy
annnd i have enough of them in the week
so i get along with boys so much better :)

YAAY small update on my life there
soz for boring any of you :)
April 8th, 2009 at 02:51am