My current love affair with Romeo and Juliet

I know this is really random, but we started reading Romeo and Juliet about a week ago, and I LOVE IT!!!!!! My list of 'Favoritest People Ever' now reads:

1. Leonardo da Vinci
3. Anthony Horowitz
(But it's really close.)

So anyways, I was thinking, there are tons of Cinderella Stories, why doesn't someone write a Romeo and Juliet story?? Guess what I was doing during Earth Science today? ;) (I mean, do we really need to know the different types of volcanoes? (Did you know that volcano plural has an E in it? I had no clue!!!)) So be expecting a Romeo and Juliet story, maybe not soon, but eventually. It features Nick Jonas as Romeo, a character of my own invention as Juliet, and Zac Efron as Paris. (And now, every time we mention Paris in class, I have to keep myself from screaming out Zac Efron's name. There have been several times I started laughing hysterically though.) I can't wait to post it!!!!
April 8th, 2009 at 10:13pm