B-But...Brothers don't have sex!

I had the best laugh tonight.

My younger sister, Alex...avid slash writer & reader, looks up from her laptop from browsing Mibba, shock and incredulence on her face.

"They have Jonas brothers incest on here?!"

I'm not sure where she's been for the last I don't know how long, but her shock quickly turned to grossed out as she clicked away from whatever page she was on.

(It reminded me of a wail of a 4 year old boy when finding about gayness... "Boys don't do that!!!!" Ahaha, oh yes they do.)

"That's just WRONG! They're like...kids! Ugh! Disgusting!"


I was so utterly amused.

Just when i thought nothing could phase this girl....

I obviously hadn't tried the mental image of Nick and Joe...or is it Kevin & Nick?

Well, nevermind.

I don't read Jonas-cest. But I support your right to write it! Even if it is a bit fucked up and tends to flood the slash search page of Mibba.

Right on you weirdos!


PS. incredulence isn't a word?! wtf? I just made it one.
April 9th, 2009 at 03:16am