
I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while. I have been SO buisy with school, I'm working on spring break. And into summer. It sure is going to be a blast... woo... *are you catching the sarcasm?*

So, Series of Views, I didn't like it at all (save the spur of the moment) so I'm taking it out and they're gonna be one-shots. Along with some in Random.

Fixing a Michanic's Heart, ... well, see, I've run quickly out of ideas. I want to destroy the story and start another. For now, I'm just goning to edit the previous chapters. I'll let you know if anything starts happaning with it.

I'm changing the 'Random' section to 'Drabbles'.

I would like to thank NewxEclipse from Quizilla for her support and motivation in getting me to write at all. Seeing her stories go from O.K. to spectacular really is something.

I have two new ideas planted (firmly) into my head.

One doesn't have a name, so for now it's in the (now) drabble section. It's mainly just something I'm writing for the heck of it. It looks good, though, but it doesn't have a plot. I have a feeling it'll be stuck in the drabble section until it gets one. If you do go and read it, please, do help me. I would like to get it going on it's own if I could.

The other I got from the song 'If I Were A Boy' by Beyonce Knowles. It sparked an idea, and I wanted to say that if there is similarities in both the song and my writing, that is why.

I think that's all. For those who actually read my stories, thank you. It makes me want to write when people want to read.

One final note, then I'll go.

Please, if you like a story, even if you REALLY like a story, don't keep asking the writer to update. Give them a week or two between chapters, then politly REMIND them that they have readers. Then, wait. If it doesn't show up within the next month (that may seem like a while, but find another story to read while your waiting), then something is probably up. The writer doesn't feel the story anymore, the computer's down, ect... Please don't overthrow writers. It's really bad on Quizilla if you have a good story. Don't let Mibba be the same. I'm not saying this for my own benafite, but because I have friends who have very popular stories, and they (the writers) are the ones who suffer. It's hardest to write under pressure. I don't want to nag, but it bothers me sometimes at how presistant people can be.

On that happy note, I will leave you to indulge in for-fun reading online!!!! *did you catch the sarcasm?*
April 9th, 2009 at 03:42am