...hello little girl.../physco stalker alert

OMFG i have two real life stalkers

these guys in year 9 keep going up too me and put on scary faces and go ''hello littel girl'' and

'cause im such a freak i always giggle which is embaracing 'cause it makes me feel really blonde

anywayz the guys get knifes from the cafeteria and hold them up and do a real creapy smile

its been going on for months now and when Olivia told them to stop they said that she wanted

atention (olivia was speachless)

haha i found out there names paul and ben .......so school is now fun even if its started to get

weird they now sit with us hmmmmmm...odd!

p.s /people in my school keep calling each over nigga which is kind of rude as most of them
are white

...'Signing off im alright in bed but im better with a pen'...
............................................................................ -Fall Out Boy
May 11th, 2007 at 08:54pm