Jesus Is a Zombie!

I figured out that Jesus was a zombie cause he came back from the dead. The more to love him cause zombies are awesomely awesome.

But! Today is a sad day, I ran out of pages in my sketch book. I think art store is closed right now. I'm going to be incredibly bored tomorrow. I named my sketch book Peanut butter. He was a good sketchbook. I used up about 4 now, but I threw one of em away cause I found it in the garage, I'm guessing there is a rat in there. All the pages are chewed up. I'm bored. I started drawing on the last blank page of Peanut butter, I'm giving the drawing to Raven. Raven had dibs. I'm listening to Aiden, they have been abused in my music library cause all I've been listening to lately is The Beatles, Animal Collective, and Of Montreal. XD

I am going to name my next sketchbook Steve, like from Blue's Clues.
(He didn't die of a heroine overdose. He simply quit being the host of Blue's Clues.)

RIP Peanut butter.

April 13th, 2009 at 04:10am