Love, in general...

Love was once a special, treasured, saught for feeling among two people. what happened to that kind of love? I really baffles me how love is taken now. Love is USED for sex. Does that seem right to anyone? Love should NEVER EVER EVER be used. Love is not an excuse. Love is not a few flimsy words that get thrown around. Love is becoming meaningless to generations following/including my own. When was the meaning of love changed? When did it become so nonchalant and worthless?

So a boy that you have know for a couple of days asks you out. Four minutes later he says, "I love you baby." Next thing you know his hand is up your skirt, your body is helpless, and when you try to say no he says but you love me. NO. This should NEVER happen. sadly it happens way to much. When did chivalry fly right out the window? When did opening a few car doors, pulling out a seat for your "love" to sit in become "weird". Yes, weird, I was talking to my best guy friend and I asked him why he doesn't treat his girlfriend like the angel she is and you know what he said? He said bluntly, "All of that chivalry crap is just creepy to girls. She can open her own door. She isn't impared." Ladies do you feel this way? Am I on my own little island about this?

Love is meant to be special. It also needs A LOT of work. Nobody wants to work anymore though. (But that is a whole new problem) Love is those memories you will never lose. Love is understanding. Love is learning. Love is those moments when you don't have to tell them how amazing they truly are to you but you do anyway because you want them to know every single moment you love them. Love is honesty, but no one is ever completly honest, but they understand that and they except that. Love is laying there and just the heart beat of him/her is music to your ears. Love is growing, becoming aware of the one you call your own. Love is bursting out in laughter because someone farted. Love has no boundaries. It is very different for everyone. Love has no time frame. No internal clock.

I guess my reason for this is I see way to many of my friends crushed over such little "loves" because obce he got what he wanted he left. But in the same respect so many of my guy friends have gotten the same treatment from girls. It is so hard to see the pain in their eyes, the sorrow of loss, of realizing the lies they were told. I have been a victim. I have been the one to hurt. I never want to lie and hurt someone that way again. I want to take the pain away from my friends. How many of us have been "so in love, he will be my husband." How long does it last? Very few of us actually keep our high school sweethearts for the rest of our loves. my point is...

when it comes to love, proceed with caution, don't rush to find your future, just be happy and enjoy the time you actually have now.
April 13th, 2009 at 04:31pm