April 12th

Last night, I got bored at like midnight, so I started to write a story on my iPod. Yeah, you know the little "Notes" app? We became good friends last night. I'm debating on making it a mibba exclusive story. OOH. BE EXCITED. I think it's going to be an Avenged Sevenfold story, not sure yet. I've always wanted to write for one of them. Oh, and not only will it be a mibba exclusive, but it will also be my first all 3rd person story. I suppose I have to make it a mibba exclusive because it's too explicit for quizilla. You can't rate your stories there like you can here. Even as I wrote the first installment last night, I could tell that the story will have some very mature content in it. Don't worry, for those who don't want to read the explicit material, I will definitely label the chapters that have that content in the text.

Anyway, just an update.
<3 kat
April 13th, 2009 at 10:43pm