The feeling that I used to get, it's come back.

I miss you. I miss the way we used to laugh together; the way we knew each other from the heart. It's not like we were together or anything. No. We just knew each other all too well.

and then I just let it all fall apart, just like that.

I can't believe I let it happen. You were everything that kept me sane. And now, not its not just what I had with you that fucked up; everything else has as well. I'll continue to push you away, we both know that all too well.

Because you deserve someone better than me. Somebody that can keep up with you. Somebody won't get tired too easily. Somebody who's not a good little girl. Somebody that's not extremely depressed. No, you've earnt it. So I'm going to let you go. It's not like we haven't already fallen apart. Sweetie, don't deny it. I love you, and that is why I have to let you go.

Stop trying to help me fix my life, because I've let it fall too far between the cracks. And quite frankly? I'm happy with that.

I miss you Anthony. You're not my crush anymore, but I just miss you being my best friend.

And did you know our group of friends are falling apart? after years of being so fucking close. All because of somebody who remains nameless has screwed it all up, just because she wants to be popular. That's a lesson to all you sweeties out there: The people who have been there for you half your life are much better than the people that have sneered at you for half your life.

I can't believe she did this much damage to our group... Actually, not our group, it's now our fragments. There is now barely anything left from the family we once had. I can't believe she fucking took the thing with the populars to fucking court. You were the one responsible for it. You didn't have to show them your boobs via computer, but you did. You didn't have to have the attention of the guy that struts up and down the fucking school like a fucking whore. He's just one of a kind. You will definitely find way more. AND NOW YOU FUCKING LIKE ONE OF THE GUYS THAT SCREWED YOU OVER. I'm sorry that I hold no fucking sympathy for you, but please get over that fucking tool and stop messing with the bitches, weren't we ever good enough for you?

Us two go away for two weeks and we come back and you've kissed your friend's boyfriend.

You've told us to shut up. And we will, or atleast I will. I don't want any part in your thing anymore. We aren't good enough for you and you've shown us that.

But there are three rules you have to learn one day:
#1 Don't ever mess with the populars
#2 Don't go kissing a friend's boyfriend.
#3 and don't forget about the people who loved you for who you really were, not just the people that suck up to you on msn and fuck you over in the morning. Cause then you can run back to us.

I miss who you were, not who you thought they always wanted you to be.

Oh gosh, I'm so judgmental aren't I? Shit. I've become what I hate.

Oh well. Life's fucked anyways.
April 14th, 2009 at 07:31am