Survey stolen from davidneedsalife..... Te amo, hombre.

Condoms: No
Cell phone: Yes
Chair/stool: Yes
Book shelf: Yes
Dresser: Yes
Computer/laptop: No
Bean bag: No
pictures: Yes
Mirror: Yes
Skateboard: No
Bed: Yes
Clothes on the floor: No
Plastic Giraffe: Psh... I wish.
Surfboard: No
Snowboard: No
Smoke detector: Yes
Piano/keyboard/gutiar/bass/drums: No
Locking door: No
Bottle of water: No
A blacklight: No
Awards: Yes, Karate
Sports: No
CDs: Yes
Flag: Yes, Morocco
Stop sign/any sign: Yes
Caution tape: No
BB gun: No
Real Gun: No
Cigarettes: No
Candle: Yes
Books: Yes
Nintendo: No
Sega: No
Play Station 2 : Yes
Xbox: No
Bike: No
Stereo: No
Television: Yes
Lighter: No
Gum: Yes
How many windows do you have in your room: Twp
What is the color of your walls? Orange
Wooden, tile, or carpet floor? Carpet
Do you get ready for the day in your room or the bathroom? Room
What color is your bed sheet? Orange
What's on your walls? Paintings
April 15th, 2009 at 01:10am