Now You Know Me

Fuck the stars i wish on shooting stars and UFOs. I gave up on 11:11.
The smell outside after it rains disgusts me. It has a stench of worms and decay.
I refuse to listen to only one genre of music, as long as it matches my mood.
The movie Cars is one of my guilty pleasures, I can recite every line by heart.
My biggest fears are something I can't even name. I'm not even sure it has one.
I feel weird chewing gum, I also feel primitive. But I do love blowing big pink bubbles.
I was never homesick and never will be; I was only sick of home, never to return again.
My nightmares are more twisted then you will ever know, scarier then any horror show.
I gave up swimming a long time ago, I won't do it again. I was also very good.
Intellectual conversations and metaphors are what I adore. If only I can find them.
Find the spot of skin on the underside of my elbow, touch and I am yours forever.
I do not ride bikes anymore, I might of forgotten how, I don't think I was even taught.
The color red now reminds me of blood. it used to be my favorite color when I was young.
I used to have a lisp, and I occasionally stuttered. I have trouble talking sometimes still.
Reading, writing and doodling take up all my time from thinking. it's a vacation really.
Creative muse is what I look for in everyday life. You can find beauty anywhere you go.
I am your everyday stereotypical liberal emotional boy; homosexual and a vegetarian.
Kisses of affection and snuggling into someones warm chest. It's something I crave.
While walking on the sidewalk, both of my feet have to touch each individual square.
Insects brings chills through my spine, but what I would give to live in the Butterfly House.
I sit on grave yards and talk to the deceased, laughing as sweet smoke fills my lungs.
Walk along railways, balancing on the rusting metal, running in front of every train.
I'm ashamed of my body, no matter what anyone says, these scares will always haunt me.
Blushing constantly, even if I hate when the color rises to my cheeks, I'm embarrassed.
"Seventeen forever, I'm immortal, my years of living are infinite" I say, dieing slowly each day.
April 15th, 2009 at 03:01am