So this is what love is?

This is the day I find out what love is, as I recalled the feelings I had when I first saw you

I could never forget that life altering September night

It was the night I realized that this was the path I wanted to follow

This was what I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing

The rest of my life chasing.

I was mildly familiar with you

I was just getting into this "scene"

You called to me though, your lyrics and your tune

I was under a trance

A trance that I later realized I'd be under forever

I was late to your show

But I still made fourth row

Four people away from you

There were new bands I fell for

First it was Sherwood, they're keyboardist won me over

His crazy hair, and his dance moves were as insane as his fro

I had fun, they one me over their first song, once I heard the chorus

Then I felt like I was waiting forever

The rocket summer came on and I was amazed

This guy knew how to win over a crowd

Once the confetti popped out during "so much love" I smiled even bigger

By the time armor for sleep was on I was about to leave the the back of the venue, and sit down

But before I turned around I could see why I waited so long

Why I put up with my pain for so long

I saw your bassist, he was watching armor's set

I stared at him until he left, and I think that freaked him out

I waved, and he waved back, it wasn't a big deal now

But then, it was the world, it meant he noticed me

In a crowd full of people, tons of people, he saw me

Nobody but me, for one single second

I waited and waited for you to come out, showing your full self

The lights dimmed and my heart started racing

This was it, I was just minutes, seconds away from seeing my one true love

You exposed yourself one by one

Teasing me, making me want more

Then you finally exposed your entire being

And you saved me the best for last

The heart and soul, the ring leader in this circus full of talent

I never took my eyes off the stage, I was afraid to blink

It wasn't because I'd thought it go away

I was terrified to miss even a millisecond of it

I struggled to get closer to you, close enough just wasn't close enough

I finally got to the guard rail, and even though I wasn't close enough

It was as close as I could come

It was during your last song when I found my spot

You ended with forty steps, it was new back then

You hadn't even made the video yet

But that song was reflecting my feelings towards you

I wanted to follow you anywhere

What I would give to be your merch girl

To be able to see that all every single night

The ringleader jumped into the guard rail, and after so much struggling

I was just seconds away from touching him

To feeling his greatness

But he jumped back on the stage before my finger tips could even graze his stomach

I was upset, I was so close, but not close enough as I said before

But then as you completed the song, finishing the show

You gave me one more chance

You left going to the right of the stage

My side of the stage

I reached my hand out as far as humanly possible

I my fingers drifted across your stomach and briefly grabbed your shoulder

I told all my friends about it, they listened, but didn't really care

They didn't know you too well

But they later fell in love with you too

I never understood it then

or even imagined it would happen like that

But I fell in love

I only get to see you at least once a year

But every time I see you've returned to Boise I get butterflies

Every night I get to see you, I remember falling in love

You always bring me new bands, that you know I'll love

But you know I'll still love you as well

You showed me the stars that night

But tonight I've learned that even though I've never been in a relationship

That doesn't mean I've never fallen in love

That doesn't mean I'm not in love now

It means I've never fallen in love with a person

But I have fallen in love with a band

You had me at Santi
April 15th, 2009 at 03:05am