What was Pilate thinking?

I was just thinking the other day, and I wonder what happened when Pontius Pilate died.I mean it was he, afterall, who condemned Jesus to death. Therefore, I was speculating what do you think was going through his spiritual little mind when it came time for his particular judgement. Clearly, I've never died, but the Catholic belief is that you will face the Holy Trinity and they will judge the living and the dead. So when Pilate gets there, he sees Jesus there on the right hand of the Father, preparing to choose his own fate. I'm guessing he was probably thinking something along the lines of "Oh, shit." I'm just saying that's really something to think about, and it makes me laugh for some reason - just picturing the situation in my head, even though Pilate was most likely terrified . . . and for good reason.
April 15th, 2009 at 11:11pm