I'll just have a good 'ole rant

My friends just laugh when I go on about this, but is it just me who finds blonde jokes completely degrading and not funny at all? I understand there are some hopeless celebrities who are blonde but you cant lable someone dumb or easy because of their hair colour. Whoever came up with this theory that blondes are dumb and brunettes are smart obviously had no brain cells. Or maybe they were a brunette who just got beaten by a blonde and decided to get revenge, I dont know. I'm sick and tired of people always being suprised that I'm in advanced classes, or that I do not go all the way with people on a first bloody date.

Think about it please, and stop making stupid comments before you get to know a person.
If you genuienly know a stupid blonde person, take the mick all you want because they are the minority that are publicised and make others look bad.

So I'm going to find some ice cream.
And I think those of you out there who make these kinds of jokes need to find a brain and grow a heart.
April 16th, 2009 at 08:24pm