New Story?

Hello everyone!

So, the summer time is approaching, and school is winding down, and for a lot of you, you know what that means for me. It's usually the time of year when I write and post a new story! Because I'll have more time to do so.

With that said, here's my idea. I've very recently started reading the Twilight books. I saw the movie, before I even read any of the books, because I wanted to see what the big deal was.

And boy did I.

But, not with the character most girls did.

See, after reading the first two books, and now being on the third one, I've found myself completely in love with Jacob Black. And I know I'm suppose to hate him, but I don't think I can because I can relate to him so much. (Aside from the werewolf thing of course)

So, that's my idea. Once I'm out of school, and Disney Adventures is completed, I'm thinking of starting up a Jacob Black story.

What'd you think?

P.S. I love the red writing at the top of this page that TELLS me I have to put effort into my journals. haha.
April 17th, 2009 at 04:13am