Quotes that help me through the day;

Okay, maybe this isn't the 'best' journal entry I have ever written,
but every once in a while, a girls gotta stop and smell the roses.;)
These quotes help me get through the day,
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!!

Should I Smile Because We're Friends, Or Cry Because That’s
All We'll Ever Be?

If you love someone put their name in a circle not a heart, a heart can be broken but a circle goes on forever.

To the world your just a person but to me you mean the world .

If you love me like you told me please be careful with my heart you can take it; just don't break it or my world will fall apart.

I knew I loved you from the start... you caught my eye but you broke my heart.

I am like a butterfly pretty to see but hard to catch .

A kiss is just a kiss 'till you find the one you love, A hug is just a hug 'till it's the one your thinking of, A dream is just a dream 'till you make it come true, Love is just a word 'till it's proven to you.

I'm going to smile like nothings wrong, Talk like everything's perfect. Act like it's just a dream, And pretend he is not hurting me.

When I met you we were friends, When we were friends we got closer, When we got closer I thought I liked you, I thought I liked you, Now i think i fell for u, I know that i fell for you. The only question is.. Why did you have to trip me?

Forget his name, Forget his face, Forget his kiss and warm embrace, Forget the time you once shared, Forget the fact that he once cared, Forget the fact that you cried the whole night long, Forget him when they play your song, Forget how close you once were, But remember how he chose her.

Do you love me, Do you not, You told me once but I forgot, So tell me now and tell me true, so I can say I love you too.

Somewhere there is someone who dreams of your smile And finds in your presence that life is worth while So when you are lonely remember it's true that someone somewhere is thinking of you.

Why do I ignore the ones that adore me, and adore the ones that ignore me?

You'll never know how much I miss you, you won't see it in my face. You'll never know I'll find another to take your place, Cause I'll be smiling when I see you. No, my tears won't ever show, I might always love you. But you will never know.

No Guy Is Worth Your Tears, And The One Who Is, Won't Make You Cry.
When I First Saw You, I Was Afraid To Talk To You. When I First Talked To You, I was Scared To Like You. When I First Liked You, I Was Scared To Love you. Now That I Love You, I'm Scared Of Losing You.

Kid's In The Back Seat Cause Accidents, Accidents In The Back Seat Cause Kids. .

How Can You Have Enough Time To Go Out And Make Other Girls Fall In love With You. But You Don't Have Enough Time For Some body Who Already Does?

If One Day You Feel Like Crying, Call Me, I Don't Promise To Make You Laugh, But I Can Cry With You. If One Day You Want To Run Away, Call Me, I Don't Promise To Ask You To Stay, But I Can Run With You. If One Day You Don't Want To Listen To Anyone, Call me, I Promise To Be There, I Promise To Be Very Quiet. But If One Day You Call, And I Don't Answer, Come Over Quickly, Because I Might Need You

Just Because Someone Doesn't Love You The Way You Want Them To, Doesn't Mean They Don't Love You With All They Have.

The Worst Way To Miss Someone Is To Be Sitting Right Next To Them, Knowing You Cant Have Them.

Who do you turn to, when the only person who can stop you from crying, is the person making you cry?

The worst thing to see is the person you love.. love someone else

Never say "I love you" If you don't really care, Never talk about feelings If they aren't really there, Never hold my hand If you're going to break my heart, Never say "You are going to" If you don't plan to start, Never look in to my eyes If all you do is lie, Never say "Hello" If you really mean "Good-bye", If you really mean forever Then say you will try, Never say "Forever" Cause forever makes me cry

I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed to live my life, wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do, I'm sorry I just can't help myself, I fell in love with you.

Written with a pen sealed with a kiss, if you love me please answer me this, do you love me or do you not, you told me once but i forgot, of all the guys I have ever met you are the one i won't forget, and if i die before you do I'll go to heaven and wait for you, but if your not there by judgment day, I'll know you went the other way, I'll give the angels back their wings and risk the loss of everything, just to prove my love is true I’d go to hell to be with you

Everyone says you only fall in love once but that's not true, every time I hear your voice I fall in love with you
Why does a rose represent love, when a rose always dies?

It's hard to pretend you love someone when you don't, but it's even harder to pretend you don't love someone when you really do

It's strange how laughter looks like crying with out sound, and how rain drops taste like tears without pain

Boys say your ugly boys say your dirt, boys say all these things, and then they try to flirt and expect us not to get hurt, so next time you say something mean remember how we feel.....to you it may be a joke but to us its a big deal

Life was simpler and better when we got skinned knees instead of broken hearts

I was looking at the stars last night, matching them with reasons why I love you, I was doing good, until I ran out of stars

Cry your heart out, let it all go. Cause remember, after every tear, comes a Rainbow

There is a sparkle in your eyes, that I always see, There is a place in your heart, that i would like to be

Love Means Never Having to Say Your Sorry

A heart is not a play thing, a heart is not a toy but if you want it broken just give it to a boy

I want to tell you what I’m feeling, but I don‘t know where to start. I want to tell you but I’m afraid you’ll break my heart.

men are like mascara, they run at the first sight of emotion

Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring

a wise girl kisses but does not love, listens but does not believe and leaves before she is left.

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth."

Music is like candy, throw out the rappers. =]

Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow"

When the world pushes you down, Christ pulls you up

Guys are like stars there are millions but only one can make all your dreams and wishes come true.

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent

when people doubt you.. don’t doubt yourself . stand your ground and prove them wrong

Heroes are remembered, legends never die

music is my life

Successful people make it a habit of doing things that other people aren't willing to do.

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing

Nothing is impossible; just improbable

If music is the food of love, play on

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

The only thing we have to Fear is Fear itself

DANCE as though no one is watching you
LOVE as though you’ve never been hurt before
SING as though no one can hear you.
LIVE as though heaven is on Earth

I'm not a perfect girl.
My hair doesn’t always stay in place&
i spill things a lot.
I'm pretty clumsy& sometimes i have a broken heart.
my friends & i sometimes fight& maybe some days nothing goes right. but when i think about it and take a step back i remember how amazing life truly is and maybe. just maybe. i like being un-perfect....

Its the friend we meet along life’s roads the help us appreciate the journey

Never Let The Fear Of Striking Out Keep You From Playing The Game

L.o.v.e. isn't finding someone you can live with, it's finding someone you can't live without

Only God Can Judge Me

My God is big like that

If I do not question my thoughts, I suffer. If I do question my thoughts, I do not suffer

God could not be everywhere, therefore He created mothers

You're awfully small to be so hugely irritating

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb

About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him- and I didn't know how dominant that part might be- that thirsted for my blood. And Thirsted, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him

never and always are two words you should always remember never to use.

i like long walks, especially when they're taken by people who annoy me.

Dream as if you'll live forever live as if you'll die today

reach for the moon for if you fail you will still land amongst the stars"

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time

Life is hard. After all, it kills you

God will not look you over for medals degrees or diplomas, but for scars

When I was born I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half."

Help ever, hurt never

Never regret anything that made you smile......

if you don't expect much, you wont be disappointed

if you don't have anything nice to say, say it anyway, because most likely that guy was a complete douche.

If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what is the significance of a clean desk?

Be the change that you wish to see in the world

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return

'Time is a great teacher.
Unfortunately, it kills all it's pupils.

I stare out my window thinking of you. Concealed in my room, what can I do? I sit waiting, watching you love him. Tell me everything is alright. Tell me he's nothing. I scream for those words that will never be spoken.

NOTE: I found all of these quotes theough yahoo answers & google. I did not make them up on my own.(:
April 17th, 2009 at 05:06am