Holidays, Boyfriends, Ex-Friends, Cousins and Stalkers!

I am so annoyed
Im Irish/English and my parents took me to Disneyland, America expecting me to act like a little kid then shouted at me for behaving normally
By normally I mean depressed, angry and unemotional towards anything other than other people annoying me
So the plane broke down and I got sent to Germany instead of America so I stood there and screamed which equals an extra punishment and arguement with my parents

But I met my new Boyfriend because he jumped off the plane screamed about finally being on ground after 11 hours flying and knocked me over then apologized and we were stuck together then trying to get away from our parents and his ex. (We hid in the duty free shop did you know hardly anyone goes into the childs part. The men go to get alcohol and the women get beauty products. I say they're for the same reason, the men get drunk to make the women look pretty and the women put make-up on to help them look better. Ha! Sometimes neither work.)

His parents are stuck up and are trying to get him to marry a preppy snob who he hates. It was so funny when she came into the child section and before she could scream we gagged her with a bear and tied her up with some... I don't know what it was. It looked like some scene from a kids spy movie. You know what? None of the staff came round there so we just sat there and bought stuff to feed us. We are not theifs just people who may use objects which are not theirs in extreme times (Like when an ex will get you killed by the parents)

Great and not so great because his parents hate me his ex wants to kill me and my parents hate me! Wow I thought four people hating me was a record now its five it's ten or more.

My friends hate me for some reason. They think that I'm an ugly emo slut who just thinks about herself. Yeah well I'm not the one who at thirteen fucked a nineteen year old because he said she was cute or the one who slept with five guys she didn't know on a weekend trip to France at fourteen.

I can proudly say I am still a virgin since all the guys I've met are either gay or too annoying not to knock out, my boyfriends have never lasted long enough and I won't sleep with anyone who says they like me. Don't bully us virgins we aren't frigid or scared of sex we have high moral standards and respect our body!

My other friends aren't sluts they're just annoying preppy chics who think they're the prettiest things God made. Yeah well your not thats why one of you has never been kissed, another is treated as an object, and the last two are stuck up their own arses so much they don't notice the rumours going round about them.

Well now I'm a loner with a boyfriend who lives in a different part of the country. I have one friend left but he lives in Scottland Yeah I have better relationships with boys than girls thats why my girl cousins hate me so much (and my friends because they say my cousins are cute but I won't let them go out with them because my cousins are special to me since I'm an only child)

My favourite cousin is my age and we used to say we came on a buy one get one free offer because his mum is a cheapskate bitch. I love him loads but nearly all my friends fancy him and he is part of the " Popular{/i}" crowd. I always say to him if he becomes a dickhead like his friends I will go round to his house and scream at him while making him become like his normal self

His best friend hates me because when we were in primary my friends bullied him except me because I had to have a reason and he had a freaky crush on me. He stalked me for a while before making friends with my cousin and then stalking me with my cousin. My friends thought this was funny "The two freaks" or "The fatty and a reject" Yeah kids are nice aren't they? I kept rejecting him and was in many fights which I won making me get a bad/good reputation with the other kids

He became taller, slimmer and apparently cuter (Though I can't see it) He became a bastard and the arrogant leader of the so called "Populars" he now hates me and spreads romours about me every week but what I want to know is why me and not the others that bullied him?

Well thats my life so far that's if anyones interested! Probably not but anyway needed to rant
April 17th, 2009 at 05:43pm