My mum gets more embarrassing everyday

I thought i would share some of my mums most recent crazy moments.

So my brother went on a geology trip the other day with my ex [Charlie]. Now i say geology trip its more of a "lets have a look at the rocks on the way to the pub" kind of trip.
So the other day i go downstairs and me and my mum had a conversation:
Mum: Have you seen the videos from George's geology trip?
Me: No, why?
Mum: Oh, I've seen Charlie's bum and him in girls pants. He's got quite a hairy bum actually.

The other day i was in the hairdressers. It was me, my nan, my mum, 2 old ladies and Carla the hairdresser.
So i was texting my friend. Then because I'm texting a guy everyone automatically assumes its my boyfriend.
Then someone asked me "have you got a boyfriend"
so i was like "ahahah no..." I'm only seeing someone.
anyway conversation went like this
Mum: Oh no she's only seeing someone. But i don't get it, what's the difference?
Old lady 1: Oh she's got lots of boyfriends.
Old lady 2: Noo, they're just good friends. yeah just good friends. Juuust good friends.

My mum seems to scare most of my friends. Idk what it is, she's just kind of scary tbh. My friends came round the other day and George had a bad cough that i might have given him -rolls eyes- and now my mum keeps bugging me to make sure he's okay and how he needs to see a doctor. I was like "mum i had this cough and you did nothing -.-"

But yeah. that's two or three of my stories :)
April 17th, 2009 at 11:44pm