A Thank You

Dear All Readers,

I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments and support on everything that I have written. It seriously means so much to me that you all take the time out of your busy schedules to read a silly update. And it means even more that you all comment, and even if you don't, that's cool too. All of your comments & feedback make me want to update even more and more (even though, I only update once a week). It puts the biggest smile on my face when I come home to feedback on my latest chapter. I really do enjoy reading your reactions good and/or bad. It just seriously makes a bad day good and a good day better.

And for all of you who communicate with me on a daily basis or remember me once in a while and drop by, I want to thank you for all of your kindness! And haha, I know I tend to go off on crazy tangents once in a while so I thank you all for putting up with me. At this point you guys aren't readers and/or fans, you all are my friends. And for that I am truely thankful.

I honestly love writing and posting up material so you all can experience the journey of my characters with them and myself. It makes me so extremely happy (so happy that I really cannot describe it) when you all relate to my characters because I write them so that they are relate-able so when one experiences pain, happiness, anger, sadness, love, and hate you're all there experiencing it with them.

At times when I think about leaving Mibba (because there will come a day where we all do), it saddens me because of the friends and connections I've made here. And seriously, if it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't post. There would be no reason to. Why would I post for one one to read and for it to take up space on the Mibba server where another chapter that people do read could go? So for your friendship and kindness. I thank you.

I also want to give a huge thank you to all of you who made and contributed banners to me. I really do enjoy each and every single banner I get and to be quiet honest, I do a little happy dance when I get banners. I know how hard they can be to make and if they aren't hard, then they're time consuming and if not time consuming then it's hard to find the time to make them even if it may only take a few minutes. It really makes me delighted to see your creativity not only through your writing but through your art (I do call banner making art). And it makes me happy that you all enjoy reading my series that much that you would do that.

So all in all, I thank you for everything. I thank you for your kind words, your feedback, your comments, your reactions, your friendship, and most importantly, your support. I want to thank you all most for your support. At times where I think my writing falls short or isn't up to par, you're all are there to reassure me that it was the best I could produce and often times I feel that you all give me too much credit, just because as a learning author and perfectionist, I don't think my writing is at its best yet.

Thank you, thank you, thank you times infinity,
April 18th, 2009 at 09:18am