Another Time- - - -Another Place

If none of this makes any sense to you, well, thats ok. I'm just gonna be blabering for a while. Hopefully it makes me feel better.

OK. So i have History homework as do others but I cant be bothered doing it (classic) and I just want to do my own thing. But as life would have it, I have to do homework. Too bad it is really boring and I am sooooo over it. Blah blah blah. God, this is probably so boring for you. Its terrible for me. Lets never speak of this dreadful moment in time ever again.

How are you all? I forgot my manners. Having a nice life? I hope. Dreams good? Food nice? Bed comfy? Yes, I may have noticed how odd this is for you all, that don't mean i'm gonna stop just because it bothers some people. Another thing is don't judge me. I've never done anything to you ever. This just reminds me of writing.

People judge who you are by your writing which is seriously stupid and mean and pathetic. And i hate it. They think things happened to you. But that really only comes from those that think about the authors too much. Otherwise people lap up the stories that can be brought to them, it makes perfect sense. Doesn't it?

Wow. Going from History to Writing. Good job me. Lets all laugh, and hug the closest thing to you. And yes, I did say thing. Now its all over, and nothing has changed.

Time to get back to that terrible History report, its not going to finish itself.

Tootles sweet cheeks...
April 19th, 2009 at 06:39am