A Friend or an Enemy?

Hey guys,
Back from the fuckin' dead yo!
Anyway, I really am in a fucking bundle here. And it stinks like shit.
I don't know whether to call this girl a friend or an enemy.
Here's what I do like about her:
She's funny
She's random
She's stylish
She's always there to give relationship advice.

Here's what I effing hate about her:
She's always being a fucking bitch. Whenever me and Angelina have something to say, she always has to interrupt us and she hates it whenever we tell the truth.

She's fucking brutal. If you talk about Metallica and King Diamond (even if you're a fan, yet you know a funny joke about them!) she will kick the shit out of you. She pulled my hair after I said I didn't like Metallica that much. She even punched and kicked me into a couch because I playbit (You bite just for fun) her. I didn't even bite that hard!

She's always fucking competitive. Whenever I run to the door or anything, she would always fucking beat me to it. Whenever we play on singstar and I almost beat Angelina, she always has to take Angelina's place and start the fucking game over.

She's so fucking emo (in the bad way). Whenever I don't talk to her because I'm deep in thought or working on my writing, she always has to hit me and say "I'm not talking to you anymore!" and ignore me when I try to tell her I'm sorry.

She's always talking about her boyfriends. "OMG dadadada did this for me!" "OMFG dadadada sent this text to me!" "Awww, dadadadada is soooo cute when hes dadadada!"
I mean, come on! I have enough problems with other people talking about their relationships with me.

She's always texting! When I hid her phone as a joke, she pulled my hair and smothered me with a pillow! JUST FOR A FUCKING PHONE! D:< Not cool.

She's always calling me and Angelina n****r. She says it's because she hangs out with Potowatamies from Wisconsin and they don't give a damn to say the N-word. Look, it's fucking racist and it's pissing me off.

All the boys are CRAWLING to her! Everytime we go somewhere, all of the cool, good looking guys are giving her stares and talking to her. When I go to talk to them, they just nod and try to look away. Her fucking big boobs are just popping out of her bra and she says it's because she's outgoing and shit. Fuck that, it's just being a fucking bitch!

Goddammit she's so fucking annoying in the fucking morning!

So, what is she, a friend, or an enemy? Give me some advice folks.

April 19th, 2009 at 11:18pm