Has Mibba changed it's layout?

I noticed that the options on the right, after you click "My Mibba" are different. Is this just my computer, or has this happened to anyone else? I'm trying to post a picture, but now I can't find anything! If you know where anything's at, or how to post a picture, could you please comment? Thanks! I'd appreciate it(:

Dance/Graduation/Confirmation Info down below...

Also, my graduation is May 28! I can't wait for summer :D And my confirmation is May 3, while our Question&Answer Sunday is April 26. It seems so close now... I got my dress and shoes, they're both really cute(: My graduation/confirmation one is black and white, short with black around the bottom and I have black heels. Our Graduation dance is May 8, and my dress for that is white with blue sparkly dots on it, lots of different shades, short with blue around the bottom. Its really cute, and I love it! My shoes are silver heels :]

Thanks again for helping with the Mibba change!

<3 Bella
April 20th, 2009 at 01:41am